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Artemis Kidney Cleanse Tea 60g

Artemis Kidney Cleanse Tea 60g

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Artemis Kidney Cleanse Tea 60g

Product Highlights

  • Supports your kidney function.
  • Often underestimated, your kidneys play an important role in your health. Their main job is to filter your blood. Kidney Cleanse Tea is traditional plant medicine to support your kidneys and keep them functioning well. This gentle system cleanse supports your kidneys, as part of the detoxification process. Kidney Cleanse Tea helps to flush harmful wastes, extra water and urinary irritants. And effectively rout nutrients to where they need to be.
  • Protect your health with Kidney Cleanse Tea.
  • Location: Birkenhead Auckland New Zealand
Tea Ingredients:
Filled by weight and contents may settle after filling. 30g = 30 cups. Does not contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours, preservatives, gluten, wheat or dairy. GE Free. Vegan.
Birch Leaf, Golden Rod, Horsetail, Nettle & Raspberry Leaf
Birch Leaf:
Birch leaf (Betula pendula) is an effective cleansing and re-mineralising plant. A prime plant for supporting fluid balance. Its high mineral and nutrient content help to cleanse uric acid and waste from tissue.
Golden Rod:
Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) is considered one of the best kidney and urinary tract tonics. It is excellent for relieving waste accumulation due to a sluggish metabolism. Golden Rod helps to cleanse tissue.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a traditional plant with specific cleansing, fluid balancing and toning properties for the urinary system. It soothes the urinary tract.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) supports the body’s elimination organs (kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, gallbladder) with a profound cleansing action on all types of tissue. Its abundant mineral and trace-mineral content helps to re-mineralise wasted cartilage and connective tissue, which is especially beneficial for joint mobility.
Raspberry Leaf:
Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus) is clinically studied to soothe and tone the mucous membranes of the kidneys and urinary tract. It helps strengthen the function of the bladder, kidneys and uterus.
  • Supports your kidney function.
  • Often underestimated, your kidneys play an important role in your health. Their main job is to filter your blood. Kidney Cleanse Tea is traditional plant medicine to support your kidneys and keep them functioning well. This gentle system cleanse supports your kidneys, as part of the detoxification process. Kidney Cleanse Tea helps to flush harmful wastes, extra water and urinary irritants. And effectively rout nutrients to where they need to be.
  • Protect your health with Kidney Cleanse Tea.
Artemis Kidney Cleanse Tea 60g
Supports your kidney function.
Often underestimated, your kidneys play an important role in your health. Their main job is to filter your blood. Kidney Cleanse Tea is traditional plant medicine to support your kidneys and keep them functioning well. This gentle system cleanse supports your kidneys, as part of the detoxification process. Kidney Cleanse Tea helps to flush harmful wastes, extra water and urinary irritants. And effectively rout nutrients to where they need to be.
Protect your health with Kidney Cleanse Tea.
Use 1 heaped tsp (1g) per cup (150ml) and infuse with boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
Dose:        Acute: 1-2 weeks          Prevention & Upkeep
Adults       1 cup, 3x daily                   1 cup, 1x daily
4-10 years   50-100ml, 3x daily         50-100ml, 1x daily
1-4 years    20-40ml, 3x daily          20-40ml, 1x daily
6-12 months   10ml, 3x daily              10ml, 1x daily
Babies        5ml, 3x daily                    5ml, 1x daily
For best results: Take between meals. Take the last cup by 6pm to ensure uninterrupted bed rest. Combine with Liver Detox Tea for full detoxification support.
Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist, see your health professional.
Special Instructions: Shake contents before opening. For children's dose, make an adult dose and extract the required mls. Do not microwave. To avoid external contamination close can immediately after use. Keep away from heat and moisture. Store in fridge in hot and humid climates.
- No documented herb-drug interactions within the recommended dosage
- Contraindications: over-sensitivity to any ingredients
- Check ingredients for known allergies or over-sensitivity
- Discontinue use if irritation occurs
- No restriction on long term use
- Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women
Tea Ingredients:
Filled by weight and contents may settle after filling. 30g = 30 cups. Does not contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours, preservatives, gluten, wheat or dairy. GE Free. Vegan.
Birch Leaf, Golden Rod, Horsetail, Nettle & Raspberry Leaf
Birch Leaf:
Birch leaf (Betula pendula) is an effective cleansing and re-mineralising plant. A prime plant for supporting fluid balance. Its high mineral and nutrient content help to cleanse uric acid and waste from tissue.
Golden Rod:
Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) is considered one of the best kidney and urinary tract tonics. It is excellent for relieving waste accumulation due to a sluggish metabolism. Golden Rod helps to cleanse tissue.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a traditional plant with specific cleansing, fluid balancing and toning properties for the urinary system. It soothes the urinary tract.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) supports the body’s elimination organs (kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, gallbladder) with a profound cleansing action on all types of tissue. Its abundant mineral and trace-mineral content helps to re-mineralise wasted cartilage and connective tissue, which is especially beneficial for joint mobility.
Raspberry Leaf:
Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus) is clinically studied to soothe and tone the mucous membranes of the kidneys and urinary tract. It helps strengthen the function of the bladder, kidneys and uterus.

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